Pagan radio stations

Hi Hi 🙂

I do not know how it is about you guys out there. But for me music is a very important part of my life and I love to tune into the  radio and podcasts programs. So I have found some good radio stations, wich are all pagan or witch based 🙂


These are just a few I tend to listening to, do you have any good ones?

Blessed Be


The Song of the Nereids

Another blogger posted this song and I think it is really lovely 🙂

The Mermaid Muse


The fifty fair daughters of the sea,

Their voices so sweet sing to me.

Beautiful creatures of dancing waves,

Living in the deep silver caves


Hippothoe rider of the swift horse;

Doto keeps ships on their course.

Pasithea like her name is all-divine;

Halimede is the lady of the brine.

Amathia preens her lovely hair;

Cymatolege has charms to still the air.

Evarne a figure of perfect grace;

Amphithoe makes the swift current race.

Limnoreia reigns in all salt-marsh;

Orithyria makes her seas rage harsh.


Amphitrite is Poseidon’s fair wife;

Sao will save a sailors life.

Autonoe is strong and free of will;

Cymodoce whispers the waves to still.

Dynamene holds the power of the seas,

Plexaure is of the twisting breeze.

Nemertes gives counsel that is wise;

Calypso remains hidden from men’s eyes.

Ceto watches sea-monster roam;

Galatea dances in the milky foam.


Cymothoe is…

View original post 225 more words

Pagan Parenting: Fun pages for kids

elsie pooka

I have over the years found some different pages, videos and links for fun pagan pages for kids, and I would like to share the ones I have in the top of my mind. If you have any good ones please feel free to share them.

Pagan Parenting: Coloring pages

My boy loves coloring pages, and for all your moms out there feel free to print them out and color. And you do not have to be a child to do coloring pages 🙂

fargelegg 1 fargelegg 2 fargelegg 3 fargelegg 4 fargelegg 5 fargelegg 6 fargelegg 8 fargelegg 9 fargelegg 10 fargelegg 11 fargelegg 12 fargelegg 13

These sheets are just a few of many. You can get one sheet for each sabbat if you do celebrate sabbats that is. I tend to look through google and pagan parenting sites to find some good sheets. You might also wann browse the libary, as sometimes there might be good pages to find wich you can copy and use for a coloring book. At the moment I am working on making my own coloring paper book for my child wich is all pagan based.

I do hope you all have fun looking at these ones.

Have a nice day.

Blessed Be


Collecting Plants from Nature

I love to use baskets for collecting :)

I love to use baskets for collecting 🙂

Today I have been out in the forest to collect some plants for using later in the year. I tend to collect loads of different herbs, flowers, trees, berries, pine cones and so on to be used in my work. Love to go out in the forest, mountain, at the beach or anywhere else there might be something lovely to collect and use. I always ask any plants before picking it, and I will give it some crystal water as an offering, and I never pick all the flowers or herbs at one place (in order for more to come the next year).

My boy is looking if there might be  a special treasure for him to have in his basket. He did find some lovely stones, a branch and earthworms (they had to be left in the forest),

My boy is looking if there might be a special treasure for him to have in his basket. He did find some lovely stones, a branch and earthworms (they had to be left in the forest),

We got dandilion, Meadow Cress and some other plants not sure what they are called in english, if you know please tell me :)

We got dandilion, Meadow Cress and some other plants not sure what they are called in english, if you know please tell me 🙂

Spruce cones and Pine cones are they not beautiful?

Spruce cones and Pine cones are they not beautiful?

Finally all the plants are hanged up for drying and we turn off the light, in this dark and cold storage.

Finally all the plants are hanged up for drying and we turn off the light, in this dark and cold storage.

We had a wonderful walk in the forest today, and it is a lot of fun to lift up stones and find insects under them, I have never been scared of them. We also sae some beautiful butterflies today and the sun have kept shining all day. Do you collect plants in the wild?

Have a lovely day

Blessed be


Faries and Little people

Since I was a little girl I have always had a strong connection to Faries and other nature spirits.


In mythology, nature spirits  are composed of etheric matter. Their job is to build and maintain the plant kingdom while working in conjunction with the devas and elementals. They are said to have been here since the beginning of time, have created the landscape of reality, which we return to for different reasons as guided.


The fairies are supernatural beings that can be best described by the Greek word – daimon, which means “spirit”. They are not divinity, ie. god or goddess, in the usual sense of the word, and yet they are not mere mortal; often, it is easier to classify them as minor divinity.A fairy is a little magical spirits with insect wings. Usually either grants wishes or wreaks mischief.


Our fairy house, were we leave them offerings, we always ask them to watch out before we do things in the  garden, as we do not want them to get hurt. In front of the house there is lavender, we will also have some butterflies and dragonwings decorations up to.


Little people is a type of nature spirits we have a lot of in the back of the garden. I think it has a lot to do with us having the forest so close to the house, they tend to live under roots in trees and they love to do little jokes on us as moving around on things in Norwegian we called them “smÃ¥ folk”.


Our house for the Små folk, just under a tree, we also bring offerings for them to. I tend to leave small gifts for them as old keys, marples and so on. We also burn candels in front of both of the houses.

There is also a number of other spirits around in nature such as tree spirits, elementary spirits and many more. But I might talk about them another time.

Do you have any contact with nature spirits? Do they have there own special place in the garden?



17 May (Norwegian national Day)

17 mai flagg

It is not long untill th 17 of May, wich is Norway`s national day. So I wanted to tell about this fantastic day.17 May is Norway’s Constitution Day, and is celebrated with children’s parades, food, drink and festivities.

barn i tog

Every part of the has a child parade, as this day really is a day for the children. Every school, kindergarten and any other kids that wants to join can do so 🙂

17 mai

During 17 May we do a whole lot of parading . On this day there is three parades everyone can join in on: The morning parade, children parade and Borgatoget (wich is a parade of all the different activies in the city you live in, wich is always fun to watch).

When  people graduate after done college they have a celebration called "Russefering" and they have there own parade were they do all aosrts of silly bits :)

When people graduate after done college they have a celebration called “Russefering” and they have there own parade were they do all aosrts of silly bits 🙂

But there can`t be any big celebrations in my country without food, as food is very important in my Country. It is also that day children can eat as much ice cream, cake, candy and food as the want to.

17 mai kake

A small cake table at one of the many places for festivites.

17 mai mat

We have good breakfast, lunchm supper and keep eating all day long.

Between parades there is loads of free activites for kids at every school and they all get prices.

kids game

We have many beautiful varieties of our national clothing.


A bunad used to show wich part of the country you were from, as there is one bunad for each part, and they are all unique and special. But the last couple of years you can buy any bunad you want.

This is a photo of "Sunnfjordsbunaden" wich is the one I have from my part of the country. It shows the female and male version of the clothing.

This is a photo of “Sunnfjordsbunaden” wich is the one I have from my part of the country. It shows the female and male version of the clothing.

So I will finish off this post with our national anthem.

Pagan Pen Pals


I decided for a little while ago to get myself some pagan pen pals. What can I tell the feelings you get inside you when you are looking down in the letterbox and a new letter has arrived is wonderful. I love to open each letter and spend som time with each one to read and really enjoy them. Must admit that I have always loved to write and recive letters, it just aint the same as with e-mails. Don`t get me wrong I love internet, my mobile and all sorts of techniqual devices. Still e-mail in my eyes can`t compete with a letter, as when you get the letter you kinda get to hold some of that persons energy in our own hands, and that feeling is very unique and special. So it is sad that my city do not send letter paper anymore, and some of the new generetaion growing up in my Country do not even know what letter paper is, so sad. I think it is an art wich we shall not forget.


So if you feel like writing a letter to someone, I`m sure they will appreciate all the hard work and afford you have put into it, and why not give a little something? Just picture the reaction of the reciver 🙂 Every letter contains a great amount of magic in its own special way.

If I did somehow inspire you to write a letter than grab you pen, pencil, feather or whatever you have available to write with and let those magic words find there way to the paper.


    Some Tips for pen pals

  • When you get a letter, make sure to write back , You might not be able to staight at the moment, but remember to do when you have the chance, as there is nothing worst than having a pen pal that never responds.
  • Answer questions, ask a few more, A good pen pal will ask a few questions, and answer back the one recived.
  • Have fun
  • Be honest about yourself, No one likes someone telling them lies.
  • Don’t be afraid to be honest with your pen pal if they hurt your feelings. If your pen pal has been ignoring you, sending you short quick responses that don’t make sense, or just plain said something rude, speak up!
  • Connect with your pen pal online as well as offline. Can be a good thing if you want to share for example photos, show good links etc.
  • Respect your pen pal. 

I am super happy that I have my pagan pen pals from all around the World it means a lot to me. This way I get to know about other peoples ways of rituals, dieties, offerings, faiths and so much more. I am also very blessed with getting some great pagan friends, wich I would not have been without.

Take care

Blessed Be


Beltane (Yeah I know late to put out lol)

Beltane is a season of fertility and fire, and we often find this reflected in the magic of the season.

Beltane is a season of fertility, fire and abundance and we often find this reflected in the magic of the season.

In the Northern Hemisphere were I live we celebrate beltane, beltaine or May day as it tends to be called the 30th of April or the 1st of May. In my family we celebrate both days, I guess it is just because we do love a good celebration of the different sabbats. So this year were no different, I did a family ritual and my own ritual.

fire belt

In the family ritual we planted seeds in a pot and put down wishes on paper by using a pen and then we burned the paper, we will se the wishes growing as the plant does 🙂 My own ritual i did focus on giving thanks to all the important females in my life, by collecting stones for each one of them and putting them into water as I said everything I was thankfull about them. I also burned a candle in honour to them.

wish grow

Some photos of our Beltane celebration


We had a lovely dinner of chicken, black olives, hot sweet and sour chilisauce, paprika chips, reddish, cherry tomatoes and appels. For dessert we had orange cake and chocolate and strawberries. A very lovely dinner and we left out some offerings on the altar in the garden 🙂

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My Beltane altar outside, with may pole, candles, my red bowl (symbolise fire) and the seeds we planted in the two pink pots.We also picked fresh flowers for the season dandelions and more.

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Two other altars one for the gods and one for godess. It is lovely when the candels are burning and the night is starting to show. I always loves fresh flowers.

A little of our garden


This is our herb garden, at this photo it is rosemary, cat nip, but we have aslo planted after this photo oregano, peppermint and lavender. We also have small houses for the faries, small people and spirits in of the nature.


Me and my boy did painting around the rose flower bed, we also painted stones and have put collected feathers around it.


Many different flower 🙂


Vegetable garden, we have startet to fill it with leech and potatoes.


Flower beds with tulips, daffodils, daisys and more I can`t remember the english name of them all. We went to pick loads of rund stones.

So untill next time have a lot of fun 🙂

And blessed be

Loads of hugs
